Study Management
The end of the eCRF in local language? Workflows for meeting local and global demands in your non-interventional study (NIS)
What aspects do you need to consider when planning a multi-lingual eCRF? Are regulatory requirements effective 22 November 2017 a cut-off date for the future of eCRFs in local language?
Why the value of on-site monitoring cannot be challenged by remote/ centralized monitoring
This is not to say we should do as we always did. This is also not to promote unnecessarily frequent monitoring visits or a 100% source data verification (SDV). However, in times were risk-based quality management including centralized monitoring are in the regulatory focus, I feel we forget to reflect the undeniable value that on-site monitoring can give to a clinical study [...]
Inform to engage: 4 reasons why patient centricity is not just a buzz word
For successful patient engagement keep information high and live patient centricity throughout your study. How? Let’s explore some approaches by having a closer look at 4 reasons why patient centricity is not just a buzz word.
How a Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) can improve the quality of your study
As the coordinator or manager of a clinical trial, I have one simple goal: I want my clinical trial to be successful. However, to guarantee success, I need to be able to manage my project efficiently. But what system is suitable for this?
Risk-based quality management – the new magic phrase in clinical research
The for mid-2017 expected final version of the ICH-GCP guideline addendum takes the subject risk management to the next level: the extent and implementation of a risk-based quality management for a clinical trial no longer remains within the judgement of the sponsor but actually becomes a legal obligation.